With a few of my friends and partners in crime…
With my event team
Our Web Manager, Rachel May
In the dungeon
At a Skin Two party
Alura from Canada at Skin Two Rubber Ball
Barcelona Fetish Weekend
Tessa Ditner, our Contributing Editor
with Alix Fox at Skin Two North in Leeds
Alix Fox of Bizarre Magazine
Genevieve in Atlanta
The Vanilla Alternative
A day off with Jailbait Jackson in Los Angeles
Judy in Paris
Polly Pandemonium at Kinky Salon in San Francisco
Gen of the Genitorturers in Miami
A really big coyote in Joshua Tree National Park, near Jailbait Jackson’s house
Kip at Skin Two in Atlanta
My favourite uniform (this was taken a few years ago!)
Friendly folks in Atlanta
In Yosemite, when I was twenty one years old – yes it really is me
Shooting Skinny in Covent Garden
No idea who this is, but I like her dress
with Hannah Price
Midori, Queen of bondage!
Skin Two Yearbook 2009 launch party
In Atlanta